
Miscellaneous pictures. The kind I can't really file as portraits or landscapes.

  1. A forest with a very bent tree in the middle of the path


  2. A finger holding straight a rotating fidget on a table

    Shuffle 37 - 9/2/5

  3. People walking over a bridge going behind two buildings


  4. A library staircase filled with books

    A bookworm's delight

  5. A pink blooming tree behind a white wall and under a blue sky

    Shades of spring

  6. View inside Rotterdamn Central train station

    Train lines

  7. Abstract picture of a lighbulb behind a bottle of water

    Shuffle 35 - 2/10/2

  8. A frog almost camouflaged on a log near its pond

    Ribbit ribbit

  9. A rusty road sign in a dense forest

    Lost in rust

  10. Peculiar tree in the woods

    Outcast of the woods

  11. Framed pictures on a wall in black and white

    Shuffle 34 - 4/8/20

  12. A small waterfall under a ray of light in shadowy woods


  13. Lavender in the dark night

    Shuffle 33 - 11/2/1

  14. Cozy and colorful front house with flowers and pottery under a wooden porch

    Front house from the past

  15. Holes in a wall, all stuffed but one

    Hole but one

  16. Picture of a handmade porch with sculptures on the wall where we can see drawn naked ladies

    Naked ladies

  17. View of a street with a worker mount on a ladder repairing a building

    Meticulous worker

  18. A blooming yellow flower

    Time to glow

  19. Some poppies in a crop field


  20. Black and white picture of a frog getting its head out of the water of its pond


  21. A building in Rotterdam with a cat watching the street by the window

    Neighbourhood's keeper

  22. A used window of an old house with plants growing out of the bricks


  23. Black and white picture of a garage full of crawling plants

    Camouflaged garage

  24. A white wall with a blooming yellow tree behind

    Blooming wall

  25. View of trees and ferns in the a forest from below

    A mouse world

  26. A wall of flora behind some red metal bars

    Captured nature

  27. Interior of an apartment, a living room next to a window

    Shuffle 29 - 12/2/3

  28. Two iron bars protecting a crosswalk with one being tilted

    Shuffle 28 - 5/6/1

  29. Picture of a wall with a shelf and several medecine jars on it, a framed insect and a plant

    Shuffle 27 - 5/9/18

  30. Picture of a window from a building made of red bricks. There's a white bunny molding below the window and a cat inside the apartment looking outside.

    Bunny and Cat

  31. Red roses under a violet sky in the evening

    Shuffle 26 - 8/4/7

  32. An old annex house on a landlord domain next to a wall with nothing visible behind it except a blue sky

    Beyond the wall

  33. Sculpture of an eye displayed deep in the woods

    Lost eye

  34. A picture of a crosswalk with a blooming tree, a red street lamp, a growing field of crops on the other side of the road on a sunny day

    A pedestrian point of view

  35. Two very different building in Rotterdam, a short old one with red bricks and round corners, a tall new one mostly of glass with sharp corners behind the first one.

    Old and new

  36. Buildings in Rotterdam made of red bricks, decorated with plants and trees, connected to each other with black bridges

    Place of living things

  37. A wooden bridge covererd with moss deep in a dense forest

    Blending bridge

  38. Picture of a window from inside a house with trees under the golden hour outside

    Shuffle 24 - 8/4/1

  39. Front of a house with a blooming flower pot on the edge of a window and growing vine on the wall

    Shuffle 23 - 3/7/9

  40. Black and white close up on a pile of wood trunks

    Sticky constellations

  41. Close up on a open purple flower inviting insects to get its yellow nectar

    Invitation to nectar

  42. Black and white picture of woods with different textures from trees and heathers

    Woods textures

  43. View of a cemetery from a tombstone on a sunny day

    Last point of view

  44. Close up on sailing boat with a statue of Buddha on deck wearing a sailor hat on its head

    Sailor Buddha

  45. Small clearing in some woods covered with moss

    Comfy woods

  46. Still life of a buffet with a small donky statue and a vase full of enlighten tulips on

    The donkey with tulips

  47. Black and white picture of window blinds from inside a room

    Shuffle 21 - 3/4/20

  48. Black and white picture of tall and straight buildings in the back and curvy structure photobombing


  49. A picnic table in a flowery garden on a sunny day

    Let's have a picnic

  50. Purple flower with hook shaped stamens

    Hooked on a feeling

  51. Black and white path in a forest on a sunny day

    Shadowy path

  52. View of a garden with succulent plants behind bushes

    Door to the tiny garden

  53. View of a building with a metallic wavy red porch

    Shuffle 18 - 2/7/8

  54. A yellow and pink flowering trees behind a white wall and under a blue sky

    The new beginning

  55. Glimpse of a bedroom in the early morning through the door frame

    Shuffle 17 - 18/14/11

  56. A man standing in front of the outside menu of a yellow sea food restaurant in a colorfull street

    Colors to go

  57. Leafless branches tree hanging over a pond on a raining stormy day

    The thunderstorm tranquility

  58. Close up on a wisteria blooming

    Shuffle 16 - 6/13/22

  59. View of a street from a café with lines everywhere and someone outside passing by the window

    Hold the line

  60. Black & white treetops, a bigger one with a few leaves growing and a smaller one with blooming flowers

    Sprawling life

  61. Picture of a bell displayed on a sideboard full of other trinkets

    Silent bell

  62. white picture with darker tree trunks creating black erratic lines

    Shuffle 15 - 15/5/3

  63. Entrance of a house with a lot of plants and flowers

    Flowered entrance

  64. Enlighten house behind a wall and tree by night

    Shuffle 14 - 14/3/15

  65. Old ivy covered house in a village with a shop on the first floor

    Bearded house

  66. Statue of David Hume in Edinburgh with a yellow traffic cone on the head

    Humor me

  67. An ancient door made of wood before small stone stairs

    Behind the closed door

  68. Close up on a colorful flowerbed

    Blooming rainbow

  69. Old british corner house in a small village between two crossing road with a small angle.

    Cornered home

  70. Small mushrooms on rocks

    Fungus parvum

  71. Close up on a blooming cherry tree with some petals being taken away by the wind

    Shuffle 12 - 4/10/6

  72. Young woman with a phone in her hands stepping away from an ancient massive headstone in a cemetery

    Disdain for the old

  73. Bookcase from the side enlighten by outdoor light, with a open book stored in it

    Shuffle 11 - 18/12/20

  74. View of inside a thrift shop where a dummy acrobat is hanging from the ceiling above a client who's just looking for clothes

    The romantic acrobat

  75. A lot of stacked stones progressively covered with moss

    As the moss grows

  76. Statues of medicine workers in front of Surgeons' hall museum in Edinburgh

    Stand for medicine

  77. Blurry corner of a enlighten window in the night

    Shuffle 10 - 2/2/14

  78. View of a passageway in a wall maintained garden with a gigantic stone in the foreground at the bottom of the picture

    Rock bottom

  79. A person watching a lake on a crooked pontoon


  80. Princess Beatrice's conic cairn in Balmoral forest

    Princess Beatrice

  81. Front of a shop with a white cat sitting on the steps of the front door

    The guardian with whiskers

  82. Symmetric view on a the front of a city hall

    City hall

  83. Close up on white slender flowers blooming except for the top bit

    The last bit

  84. Frontal lights in the dark behind a fence

    Shuffle 08 - 15/14/6

  85. Stairway in the dark with a big window at the top. Symmetry and lines everywhere in the picture

    Get in line

  86. An armchair in a youth library with a drawing of a giraffe on the wall behind it

    Throne of reading

  87. Flora slowly but surely taking over a man built stone terrace


  88. A cropped view on a zen garden with a pond, water plants, a walkway

    Little piece of zen

  89. View through a stone window on shores with Edinburgh in the background

    Framed tides

  90. Round lampshade with the light on on a white ceiling

    Shuffle 05 - 9/5/3

  91. Framed view of the entering stairway to a cemetery with people going up and down

    The last resting place

  92. Bright still life picture of a crystal ball, a candlestick and a potted plant on a black furniture with a very bright white background

    Shuffle 04 - 14/6/16

  93. Close up on a blooming yellow flower with an already bloomed flower in the background

    Blooming sun

  94. A man sitting on a bed in the a dark bedroom with only one source of light

    Shuffle 03 - 2/4/9

  95. Close up on mushrooms growing on a mossy rock

    Tiny grove

  96. Creeping plant full of flowers colored from purple to white on a building in Edinburgh


  97. Seeing through a frame two woman are looking down on a pond with one of them pointing something in it

    Oh look!

  98. A hand reaching for the light in a dark environment

    Shuffle 02 - 1/13/18

  99. Bell tower of a church made of black stone and shutters painted in red

    Blood church

  100. A special grainy tree in forest with a lake in the background

    Grainy tree

  101. A massive emerging rock on a beach with a crow sitting at its top

    This is my rock

  102. Red strings as branches coming from a burned tree and a log put in front of it to sit on

    Pulling strings

  103. Backlight picture of a duck in a foreground and a lake and hills in the background


  104. Blooming white flowers on a plant stem with a few late buds

    Late for the party

  105. Partially paved road around a symmetrical axe

    Paved road

  106. A cozy little scottish cottage made of stone with a sunset light

    Cottage at sunset

  107. A sheep on top of a hill on sunset

    Sun worsheepper

  108. A small person in a yellow jacket facing a way bigger hole in a hill

    Small hole

  109. A woman lying down on a bench right under the shadow of a tree on a rural path

    Have a break

  110. View of the Scott monument in Edinburgh hidden behind trees

    The tallest tree

  111. Close up of a plant with hairy leaves and mauve flowers

    The fluff and the mauve

  112. Composition of a bush in the foreground and a neverending water pool in the background

    What lies beyond the water

  113. Suspended plant pots and others tall green plants in an old green house

    Green house

  114. An old wood cabin with a mossy roof under trees


  115. A second hand clothes shop highly decorated from the floor to the ceiling

    Shop of many things

  116. A single red flower in a vast plain of grass with a loch and a mountain in the background


  117. Close up on a cairn of mossy rocks

    Rock & Moss

  118. Close-up of pink petals flowers in a subtle sunlight

    Rays of salvation

  119. An opulent tombstone, much like a temple, with columns and a roof enclosed in a small area with walls

    Last home

  120. Someone standing on the top of a hill and their reflection in a puddle of water behind them

    The other world

  121. Stairway starting in the dark and leading to a very light bay window

    Manicheist stairway

  122. An old castle up a hill in the background and a fence with a street lamp in the foreground

    No trespassing

  123. Pagan circle of stone on grass with sheeps nearby

    Sheep summoning

  124. A small two steps cascade on long exposure

    It comes and goes

  125. A stone stairway with flowery steps in a street

    Flowery steps

  126. A macro view on a particular flower with multiple hairy branches


  127. A close-up of a flower with pink petals and long yellow pistils in the center.

    Bloom now

  128. Sticks of burnt wood emerging from the ground and blooming flowers all around them


  129. Some tiny white flowers in the foreground and a pond in the background with what seems like floating in the air, just above the water, some metal plates with various shapes.


  130. Two empty chairs inside a hothouse garden

    Sit down

  131. A big root with some tiny new branches on some big rocks

    Sticks and stones

  132. Close up on various succulent plants

    Tiny forest

  133. A tree is going through a hole in a wooden wall

    Breaking in

  134. Close view to a wooden table with wooden blocks displayed evenly on it. Above the table are hanging several white sheets of paper. And a white wall covered in plants in the background.

    Earth and sky

  135. A view to a little crystal clear pond


  136. A pile of burned wood

    Ashes to ashes

  137. A long man built pond before a wooden tunnel

    Liquid corridor

  138. A woman's hand feeling the water of a small cascade through her fingers

    Lady of the fall

  139. Stream of water going in zig zag

    Zig zag

  140. A climbing plant around a metal bar

    Breaking free

  141. A plant full of violet flowers

    Blossom like there's no tomorrow

  142. A little pond full of plants


  143. A very knotty tree knot

    Got knots?

  144. A water plant coming out of the water

    Like a painting

  145. Wooden sculptures of people in a wooden area

    People of the woods

  146. Snake-like sculpture made of wood sticks meandering between trees

    Follow the roots

  147. Hole of light with roots hanging

    Under the roots

  148. Contemporary stained glass

    The glass door

  149. A woman going through an arch in a medieval street

    Through the gate to the unknown

  150. A dark hallway to go through

    Dark alley

  151. An old lady in a yellow street watching at some Tattoo shop

    Someone gives this lady a tattoo

  152. Small hole in a wall with a garden behind

    Window on courtyard

  153. Trace of paw on a napkin

    Somebody came this way

  154. Frame made of a metallic fish with a garden behind

    Russel Page garden

  155. An abandoned church with the sun in place of the bell tower

    God, is it you?

  156. Decorated chapel with contemporary art in an old chapel

    Chaumont-sur-Loire castle's chapel

  157. A cat and a dog napping together on a sofa

    Nap time

  158. A cat and a dog napping together

    Sometimes it just fits

  159. A flowery small house made of red bricks

    Red bricks everywhere…

  160. Framed castle within the window of an older castle

    The castle inside the castle

  161. A ceiling with a hole inside a building

    Window to the sky

  162. Inside a chapel

    St Hubert's chapel

  163. A hand coming out of a closet with the middle finger raised

    This closet is rude

  164. A dog sleeping between to people and having face smushed

    If it fits I sleeps

  165. 2 Mort Subite glasses with Mort Subite beer poured in

    Beer porn

  166. A cat in the night, in front of big open gates

    Master Meow, master of the Gate.

  167. View of a street with lines everywhere, in every direction

    Lines, lines everywhere

  168. Two chairs on a very colorful and complex carpet

    Interesting carpet

  169. A dog chilling on the grass of a flowery garden

    Grass & chill

  170. Morning sun defrosting frozen grass as it's rising

    Warmth of a morning sun

  171. Barely lit path on a very foggy night


  172. Close up on a sleeping dog


  173. A door barely lit in a cold autumn night in Paris

    Calm behind the door

  174. In a train wagon two legs are stepping out in the alley, one with pants and shiny dark shoes, the other with a skirt and shiny dark heels

    Same, but different

  175. A dog's paw emerging out of a blanket in front of a window with blinds

    Sunday morning :3

  176. A cute sleeping cat

    Purr purr

  177. A dog and a cat sleepig within each other paws

    Unexpected harmony

  178. A sleeping puppy with its tongue out

    Grüt !

  179. Wearing my shoes tied down to each other

    Your shoes

  180. An arm raising the middle finger with its shadow on the wall behind


  181. Pages of a comic book passing with long exposure

    Long Exposure

  182. Close up on a cat's head biting a hand


  183. Electric lines for trains

    From a low angle

  184. Clouds through nets


  185. A lied down cat watching through window blinds

    Good meowning

  186. View of a crowded train from the reflection of the ceiling

    Everybody is a nobody

  187. Path in the night during a snowfall with people going home after work.

    Let it snow

  188. Barely lit train station platform

    Train station quality time

  189. Light going through a dark staircase in an old parisian building

    Old parisian building

  190. Some piece of paper thrown in a basket

    A new beginning

  191. Cocktail with an orange slice under the rain

    Rain & sun

  192. Aisle in a supermarket with so much lines

    My shopping cart

  193. Lines in a walkway of the parisian tube

    Parisian's tube

  194. Some buildings seen through a tainted glass

    Through the glass

  195. Backlight of a woman looking through a window

    Looking at her kingdom

  196. Backlight of a woman in tunnel with light at the end

    Light at the end of the tunnel

  197. Small statue of a fisherman next to a red light

    The red fisherman

  198. A plush cat on a bed watching the screen of a laptop computer

    Peeping tom